Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale 50% Off🎉
Bloatware Remover is the fastest and simplest root uninstaller tool which can help you clean and uninstall bloatware in your Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, Asus or Motorola device in no time. It works as a great app uninstaller in rooted android devices to remove system apps.
*************Developer Note***************
"And I am no longer a slave..."
Hi guys, I have been banging my head since 4 days thinking how to thank you guys for all your love. It has been a crazy 5 years. I was stuck in a job I hated, doing things I didn't like. I always had this urge to create, work on something which I can leave down as a legacy. Developing apps was just the right instrument to give a physical form to that urge (to create).
Started as a 20 year old college student, studying electronics, who just wanted to experiment and learn, these apps have become my bread and butter now. Everyday I wake up feeling grateful, realising I am doing exactly what I wanted to do. Support from you guys motivates me to push harder and make better apps.
I promise you, you can expect the highest quality when you download my apps and I would never leave you hanging, email me anytime at for any queries and I would reply within 24 hrs. Also, If you feel a little generous, please buy the pro versions, to fund my late nights of work.
The only thing I want, is for you to have a great experience when you use my apps. I won't lie, It really feels great when you guys share your love in reviews. You guys are like my extended family, love you!
P.S : You can always reach out to me if you can't afford pro versions, I would be happy to share a promocode with you.
The most convenient, fastest, most versatile and easiest-to-use bloatware remover tool. It cleans bloat in your android phone in no time. Removing bloatware has never been this easier. This is the only bloatware remover tool you need to uninstall bloatwares.
Key Features
√ batch disable bloatware apps (requires root privileges)
√ batch uninstall or remove user application (requires root privileges)
√ batch uninstall or remove system apps (requires root privileges)
√ silent uninstall, no longer appear annoying prompt box (requires root privileges)
√ freezing and unfreezing applications (requires root privileges)
√ detailed information about each application
√ clean cache, data for system as well as user application
Special thanks to Alexander Martinz, the Developer of Device Control for letting me use the part of the source code. He is a great guy, go checkout his app as well.
☆ Please rate the app 5 stars if you like it
☆ For any queries you can reach out to and I will help you within 24 hours.
Note: Root applications can sometimes damage a phone's functionality so use with caution. Although all steps are taken to make the app safe for new users. Developer should not be held responsible for any damages that might occur using the app.
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Diskon 50% Off🎉
Bloatware Remover adalah alat uninstaller root tercepat dan paling sederhana yang dapat membantu Anda membersihkan dan menghapus bloatware di perangkat Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, Asus atau Motorola Anda dalam waktu singkat. Ini berfungsi sebagai uninstaller aplikasi yang hebat di perangkat Android yang di-root untuk menghapus aplikasi sistem.
************* Catatan Pengembang ***************
"Dan aku bukan lagi budak ..."
Hai teman-teman, aku telah membenturkan kepalaku sejak 4 hari memikirkan cara berterima kasih kepada kalian untuk semua cintamu. Sudah 5 tahun yang gila. Saya terjebak dalam pekerjaan yang saya benci, melakukan hal-hal yang tidak saya sukai. Saya selalu memiliki dorongan untuk menciptakan, mengerjakan sesuatu yang dapat saya tinggalkan sebagai warisan. Mengembangkan aplikasi adalah instrumen yang tepat untuk memberikan bentuk fisik untuk dorongan itu (untuk membuat).
Dimulai sebagai mahasiswa berusia 20 tahun, belajar elektronika, yang hanya ingin bereksperimen dan belajar, aplikasi ini telah menjadi roti dan mentega saya sekarang. Setiap hari saya bangun dengan perasaan bersyukur, menyadari bahwa saya melakukan apa yang ingin saya lakukan. Dukungan dari kalian memotivasi saya untuk mendorong lebih keras dan membuat aplikasi yang lebih baik.
Saya berjanji kepada Anda, Anda dapat mengharapkan kualitas tertinggi ketika Anda mengunduh aplikasi saya dan saya tidak akan pernah meninggalkan Anda menggantung, email saya kapan saja di untuk setiap pertanyaan dan saya akan menjawab dalam 24 jam. Juga, Jika Anda merasa sedikit murah hati, silakan beli versi pro, untuk mendanai malam kerja saya yang terlambat.
Satu-satunya hal yang saya inginkan, adalah bagi Anda untuk memiliki pengalaman hebat ketika Anda menggunakan aplikasi saya. Aku tidak akan berbohong, Ini benar-benar terasa hebat ketika kalian berbagi cinta dalam ulasan. Kalian seperti keluarga besarku, mencintaimu!
P.S: Anda selalu dapat menghubungi saya jika Anda tidak dapat membeli versi pro, saya akan senang untuk berbagi kode promo dengan Anda.
Alat penghapus bloatware tercepat, tercepat, paling serbaguna, dan termudah digunakan. Ini membersihkan kembung di ponsel android Anda dalam waktu singkat. Menghapus bloatware tidak pernah semudah ini. Ini adalah satu-satunya alat penghapus bloatware yang Anda butuhkan untuk menghapus bloatwares.
Fitur Utama
√ batch menonaktifkan aplikasi bloatware (membutuhkan hak akses root)
√ menghapus bongkar atau menghapus aplikasi pengguna (membutuhkan hak akses root)
√ bongkar pasang atau hapus aplikasi sistem (membutuhkan hak akses root)
√ silent uninstall, tidak lagi muncul kotak prompt yang mengganggu (membutuhkan hak akses root)
√ aplikasi pembekuan dan pembekuan (membutuhkan hak akses root)
√ informasi rinci tentang setiap aplikasi
√ bersihkan cache, data untuk sistem serta aplikasi pengguna
Terima kasih khusus kepada Alexander Martinz, Pengembang Pengendalian Perangkat karena membiarkan saya menggunakan bagian dari kode sumber. Dia adalah pria yang hebat, pergi memeriksa aplikasinya juga.
☆ Silakan menilai aplikasi 5 bintang jika Anda menyukainya
☆ Untuk pertanyaan apa pun, Anda dapat menghubungi dan saya akan membantu Anda dalam 24 jam.
Catatan: Aplikasi root terkadang dapat merusak fungsi telepon jadi gunakan dengan hati-hati. Meskipun semua langkah dilakukan untuk membuat aplikasi aman bagi pengguna baru. Pengembang tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kerusakan yang mungkin terjadi menggunakan aplikasi.
Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale 50% Off🎉
Bloatware Remover is the fastest and simplest root uninstaller tool which can help you clean and uninstall bloatware in your Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, Asus or Motorola device in no time. It works as a great app uninstaller in rooted android devices to remove system apps.
*************Developer Note***************
"And I am no longer a slave..."
Hi guys, I have been banging my head since 4 days thinking how to thank you guys for all your love. It has been a crazy 5 years. I was stuck in a job I hated, doing things I didn't like. I always had this urge to create, work on something which I can leave down as a legacy. Developing apps was just the right instrument to give a physical form to that urge (to create).
Started as a 20 year old college student, studying electronics, who just wanted to experiment and learn, these apps have become my bread and butter now. Everyday I wake up feeling grateful, realising I am doing exactly what I wanted to do. Support from you guys motivates me to push harder and make better apps.
I promise you, you can expect the highest quality when you download my apps and I would never leave you hanging, email me anytime at for any queries and I would reply within 24 hrs. Also, If you feel a little generous, please buy the pro versions, to fund my late nights of work.
The only thing I want, is for you to have a great experience when you use my apps. I won't lie, It really feels great when you guys share your love in reviews. You guys are like my extended family, love you!
P.S : You can always reach out to me if you can't afford pro versions, I would be happy to share a promocode with you.
The most convenient, fastest, most versatile and easiest-to-use bloatware remover tool. It cleans bloat in your android phone in no time. Removing bloatware has never been this easier. This is the only bloatware remover tool you need to uninstall bloatwares.
Key Features
√ batch disable bloatware apps (requires root privileges)
√ batch uninstall or remove user application (requires root privileges)
√ batch uninstall or remove system apps (requires root privileges)
√ silent uninstall, no longer appear annoying prompt box (requires root privileges)
√ freezing and unfreezing applications (requires root privileges)
√ detailed information about each application
√ clean cache, data for system as well as user application
Special thanks to Alexander Martinz, the Developer of Device Control for letting me use the part of the source code. He is a great guy, go checkout his app as well.
☆ Please rate the app 5 stars if you like it
☆ For any queries you can reach out to and I will help you within 24 hours.
Note: Root applications can sometimes damage a phone's functionality so use with caution. Although all steps are taken to make the app safe for new users. Developer should not be held responsible for any damages that might occur using the app.